In the hit comedy “THINK LIKE A MAN,” actor / comedian, Kevin Hart played a man going through a divorce. In real life, the plot was the same – up to a point. In the movie (Spoiler alert) his character wound up reconciling with his on-screen wife, played by daytime talk show host Wendy Williams. In real life, his story had a different kind of happy ending – he got to keep his money.
While many celebrity ex-husbands complain about the thousands they pay in monthly spousal support, Kevin Hart is expected to pay a whopping zero dollars and zero cents. The famed comedian, said to be worth approximately 9 million dollars, settled with his ex-wife for a lump sum of $175,000. Torrei Hart also gets to keep the Escalade and jewelry. She will likewise collect a monthly sum of $19,785 in child support for their 8-year-old daughter and their 5-year-old son.
Does Kevin have a pre-nuptial agreement to thank for the millions that are still in his bank account? It has been speculated, but not confirmed. If you are interested in getting a pre- or postnuptial agreement, contact a good family law attorney. For details on what led to the divorce or how he has grown since, watch any Kevin Hart stand-up comedy show. You will laugh through his pain.