
Planning For Your Financial Future Long After The Divorce Is Final

With the current state of the economy, the old adage “It’s cheaper to keep’er” has never been more true. But sometimes a divorce is unavoidable. If this is the case, the couple must start considering their individual financial futures sooner rather than later. This can prove to be challenging on multiple levels. The first challenge is one that affects the nation as a whole – the housing market. For many couples, their real estate is their greatest asset. And …

Will You Get Divorced Because Your Parents Did?

It is fairly well-known that half of marriages end in divorce. Of course this doesn’t mean that every marriage will end in divorce, but you probably know someone whose has. Maybe it was someone in your family. It could have been your parents. If it was, what does that mean for you? Is it even a factor? According to The National Opinion Research Council at the University of Chicago, the children of divorced parents are 50% …

Gray Divorce: The Growing Trend

No one was really shocked when Kim Kardashian filed for divorce. It was far more surprising to find out that Rhea Pearlman and Danny DeVito called it quits after 30 years of marriage or that Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon ended their 23 year relationship. And sadly they are not alone. The “Gray Divorce” is on the rise. According to a study by Bowling Green State University, the rate of divorce among those 50 or over …

Your Divorce Attorney: Your Greatest Defense Against Common Mistakes

By the time a couple arrives at the point where the next logical step is divorce, it is understandable that at least one of you would like to get through the process as quickly as possible. But unlike ripping off a Band-Aid, speed is not typically the best course of action here. Your next step is to contact your attorney. A good attorney understands the emotional effects of divorce, but also understands that there are …

Schwarzenegger ‘Recalls’ His Affair As A Big Mistake

Mistakes happen. True, nobody is perfect. But some mistakes can have a lasting effect on a marriage. A momentary lapse in judgment could even lead to separation, which could in turn lead to divorce. This all-too common story was told once again as we learned of the affair between actor and former California “Governator” Arnold Schwarzenegger and their family’s housekeeper. And when she learned of the infidelity, wife Maria Shriver did indeed file for divorce. In …

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Struggle In Pursuit Of A Settlement

Some divorce proceedings are over quickly. Others can take a while to settle. No real surprise there. But then there are those that take long and drawn out to another level. Such is the case with celebrities Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Ashton and Demi, married in 2005, have been trying to achieve a settlement for a year now. And for all efforts to keep the negotiations out of the public eye, the rumors continue to circulate …

Wisdom From The Bleachers* Blog Series 1 of 8

I am sitting in the bleachers of a high school football game. It’s a gorgeous Colorado Saturday and I am surrounded by parents cheering sons onward. As a family law attorney I cant help but notice the obvious (to me anyway) custody and shared parenting vignettes playing out around me. I admire some and cringe at some. I am struck by the differences and I want to share them with you over the next few weeks and …

Consider Counseling When You Consider Divorce

Divorce never comes easy to both parties involved, not to mention that it often brings trauma to the children. Events which lead to the decision to separate cause enough emotional and psychological distress that only intensify with the pain of going through the whole divorce process. If you are contemplating or going through a divorce, you should consider counseling for yourself and your children to help you move through the process in the healthiest way possible.

Colorado Residency Requirements for Divorce

UPDATED: 6/18/2024 Different laws govern the divorce process and it varies in different states. Here in Colorado, there are several things you need to know about Colorado residency requirements for divorce if you live in this state and wish to end your marriage. The more you know about the state’s family and divorce laws, the easier it is to advocate for your rights in court. These laws pertain to divorce, division of assets, alimony, child custody, …

Document Requirements in Colorado Divorce

Requirements typically include about 10 to 20 documents during the entire filing process although this can vary widely. Begin by filing these court forms: Petition Form for dissolution of marriage and a Case Information Sheet and a Summons, unless you are filing jointly. In order to present your financial standing, you will be required to file a Sworn Financial Statement. For cases wherein spouses have stocks or investment, pension, or separate property, Supporting Schedules must …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).