
April D. Jones Named Top Family Law/Divorce Lawyer by 5280 Magazine

Jones Law Firm, PC is pleased to announce that Founder & CEO, April D. Jones, has been selected to the 2022 Top Lawyer list by 5280 Magazine as a Family Law/Divorce Attorney.  This is the eighth annual list of top-rated attorneys released by 5280 Magazine. The list is compiled via a list of invited attorneys in the seven-county metro area who vote for the peers they respect most in 50 legal specialties. Based on these …

Checklist for Divorce in Colorado

Are you contemplating divorce or are you already in the middle of divorce proceedings? Not only were the holidays a challenge, but now you’re facing a year of uncertainty. Since January is national “Get Organized” Month, we have put together this “checklist” for divorce in Colorado. List the Issues You Will Need to Resolve During a divorce, couples generally need to consider the following: How to divide assets Whether one spouse will pay support, and …

10 Tips to Prepare for a Divorce in Colorado

A divorce is a major decision that affects the entire family. Once the decision is made, the right preparations can save heartache, time, energy, and money. It is an emotional time with an uncertain outcome, but you can take several steps to help get ready for divorce in Colorado. 1) Seek Advice: You should not isolate yourself during a divorce. Instead, seek advice from someone with experience. A family lawyer can help navigate the process …

Legal Separation vs. Divorce

While some people may use the two terms interchangeably, legal separation and divorce are two very different things under the law. If you and your spouse wish to go your separate ways, understanding the differences between divorce and separation can simplify the complex legal process and help you choose the right option for your needs. What Is a Legal Separation? Legal separation is where spouses live separately and have their own assets but remain legally …

5 Things to Not Do When You Find Out Your Spouse is Cheating

When you find out your spouse is cheating, you might be feeling many emotions like anger, hurt, betrayed - you may even want to reciprocate. Getting back at your partner may sound like a good idea to you and your friends, but here are five things you should NOT do: Do not tell your kids. It’s possible they already know. You may need to seek a counselor to get them through this tough time. It …

April D. Jones Receives Outstanding Women in Business Award by Denver Business Journal

April D. Jones, President and CEO of April Jones Law Firm, PC, was awarded the Outstanding Women in Business Award by the Denver Business Journal in August 2021. She shares her success stories of work and life transformations during the pandemic. April started her law firm 20 years ago and celebrates her exponential growth today with 5 additional attorneys and several members on her support staff. In her interview with the Denver Business Journal, April …

Can I Get a Divorce When My House is Upside-Down?

If you’re fortunate, you’ll head into a divorce with equity in your home, money in the bank, and a couple retirement accounts. This way, once the marital assets are split according to Colorado law, you’ll be comfortable. But, not everyone is that fortunate. For a lot of jaded spouses, there never seems to be a “good time” to divorce. And, if unhappy spouses delay their divorce because they’re waiting for the real estate market to heat up, …

How to Have a Mindful Divorce

We’ve all heard the divorce horror stories. The ones where a spouse drained the couple’s bank account, racked up the credit cards, alienated the children, or drove the couple into bankruptcy. These types of stores abound, but that doesn’t mean that all divorces have a bad ending, or that your divorce story has to end the same way. “Is it possible to achieve a mindful divorce?” Absolutely, but to have a mindful divorce, the spouses must be respectful …

Is it Better to File Bankruptcy Before or After Divorce?

Adultery and financial problems are two leading causes of divorce, but for the purposes of this article, we’re going to focus on the latter and the issue of bankruptcy. As you can imagine, money problems often lead to divorce and ultimately bankruptcy. And because divorce and bankruptcy are often interconnected, we’re frequently asked, “Should I file bankruptcy or divorce first?” and “Does it matter?” Yes, the timing definitely matters but there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach to …

Should I Divorce After the Holidays?

Each year between the months of October and December, our clients ask us, “Should I wait to divorce until after the holidays?” The answer, “It depends on your circumstances.” Is domestic violence an issue? Is one spouse verbally abusive and controlling? Is one spouse currently having an affair? Are there minor children involved? In the absence of domestic violence, it’s not uncommon for couples with children in the home to hold off on their divorce until after the …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).