
What Is Alimony?

Alimony or spousal maintenance is the monetary support received by one spouse from the other on a periodic basis either during or after the divorce, or both. It works as a balancing factor as the spouses transition from having a shared income to individual incomes. The court considers factors such as living condition while married, individual income, and needs to decide on the imposition or denial of granting alimony. Under the Colorado Divorce law, you may receive …

How Much Child Support is Required By Law?

The level of child support in Colorado is based on a formula which uses the Income Shares Model as prescribed by the state legislature known as the Child Support Guidelines. Several factors are taken into consideration such as gross income, number of children, cost of day care, cost of family group health insurance, and others that are considered to be basic spending on children. The amount derived from the computation will be divided proportionally based on the …

Grandparents’ Rights In Divorce

No one wants a divorce to happen and children to be alienated from family, but it happens every day. With the divorce rate increasing yearly, now reaching 50%, more and more grandparents are involved in trying to remain in the lives of their grandchildren. Divorce is often heartbreaking for everyone involved and the children are stuck in the middle of the situation. In Colorado, there are laws that help protect the rights of the grandparents and in …

Abuse In Marriage

Over half of all marriages in the United States today, end up in divorce court. Abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. There are times when there is a combination of all three. A common reason for the abuse is that one partner is attempting to gain control of the other, by hitting or verbally abusing them. “You’re fat, you’re ugly, no one else would have you,” are examples of verbal and emotional abuse. The …

Legal Separation In Colorado

Marriage, if it is good, can be really good, but if it is bad, it can be really bad. There comes a time in a lot of marriages, when living away from each other is helpful. Living apart from each other, doesn’t mean that you stop working on your relationship. What is important with this arrangement is that honest communication is continued about what works and what does not work. Reactions to separation can vary …

Modifications of Divorce in Colorado

Let’s say your divorce has been final now for a year but you really need to modify the decree. Is this possible? When you went to court for your divorce, the judge created the orders based on the facts at the time of the divorce. If these facts change, then it is possible to ask for the orders to be modified because of these new conditions. It is possible for the two parties to come …

What Happens To The Children?

Approximately one of every two married couples today ends their marriages in a divorce court. This is definitely alarming. It can be extremely traumatic for a child if the bond between them and the parent is broken. The Colorado courts do everything possible, if minor children are involved, to make the divorce less traumatic emotionally for them. It is always best, if the parents can come to an agreement related to the custody of the …

What to Look for in a Divorce Lawyer

It is important to get a good lawyer for a divorce case since this is a legal battle that can hurt you and your children in many aspects. Choosing your divorce lawyer can make or break your case, so do it the smart way by evaluating your choices. Experienced lawyers are who you should seek as your counsel. Obviously, a good track record for winning previously handled divorce cases would be an indication of the lawyer’s skills and expertise. …

How to Enforce Your Court Ordered Parenting Time in Colorado

By: Hannah Jannicelli, Esq. Unfortunately many men walk into our office upset because their child’s Mother is refusing to let them exercise their Court ordered parenting time. Even more discouraging, many of these men are already worn down by their initial custody dispute. And these men feel like they have no hope in ever achieving a stable parenting time schedule with their Ex. The good news is that the hardest part is already over. The Court has already …

Child Support Modification Colorado

During a child custody case, one parent may have to make payments to the other parent to financially support their child. If maintenance or child support is modified by the court, the modification should be effective as of the date of the filing of the motion, unless the court finds that it would cause undue hardship or substantial injustice or unless there has been a mutually agreed upon change of physical custody of the child. In no instance shall the order be …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).