
Understanding Supervised Parenting Time in Colorado

In Colorado, if a parent believes the other parent is endangering their child during parenting time they can bring a case to court asking for restriction of parenting time. (Colorado courts generally use the words “parenting time” instead of “visitation.”) Have you had a court tell you that you can only see your children if you are supervised? Are you wondering how the court can do that? Do you know what the court means by …

Legal vs. Physical Custody

Many people in Colorado think of “custody” as having physical control of something. However, when evaluating Colorado custody laws, custody also involves other types of control and authority. When it comes to custody of a child, the law divides custody into two types: physical custody and legal custody. Courts generally allocate these forms of custody separately, so it is important for parents to understand the difference. By learning about legal versus physical custody from a …

10 Tips to Prepare for a Divorce in Colorado

A divorce is a major decision that affects the entire family. Once the decision is made, the right preparations can save heartache, time, energy, and money. It is an emotional time with an uncertain outcome, but you can take several steps to help get ready for divorce in Colorado. 1) Seek Advice: You should not isolate yourself during a divorce. Instead, seek advice from someone with experience. A family lawyer can help navigate the process …

April Jones Featured In Colorado Biz Magazine

April D. Jones was recently featured in the Colorado Biz Magazine, where she offers sound advice to companies that wish to hire with diversity and inclusion in mind. Companies could profit from increased revenue and better job performance among diverse and inclusive teams.  She states, “…before you can embrace diversity in your work environment, you must first take a hard look at your company’s culture. You can expect jobseekers to demand transparency. They will want …

Grandparent Visitation with a Child

When the topic of family law comes up, one often overlooked area is the right for grandparents to have visitation with their grandchildren. In Colorado, every grandfather or grandmother has a right to reasonable visitation with their grandchildren due to the value our country places on a close family bond. Usually, it is up to a parent to decide who can and cannot spend time with a child, however, close family members, such as grandparents, …

Legal Separation vs. Divorce

While some people may use the two terms interchangeably, legal separation and divorce are two very different things under the law. If you and your spouse wish to go your separate ways, understanding the differences between divorce and separation can simplify the complex legal process and help you choose the right option for your needs. What Is a Legal Separation? Legal separation is where spouses live separately and have their own assets but remain legally …

5 Things to Not Do When You Find Out Your Spouse is Cheating

When you find out your spouse is cheating, you might be feeling many emotions like anger, hurt, betrayed - you may even want to reciprocate. Getting back at your partner may sound like a good idea to you and your friends, but here are five things you should NOT do: Do not tell your kids. It’s possible they already know. You may need to seek a counselor to get them through this tough time. It …

April D. Jones Receives Outstanding Women in Business Award by Denver Business Journal

April D. Jones, President and CEO of April Jones Law Firm, PC, was awarded the Outstanding Women in Business Award by the Denver Business Journal in August 2021. She shares her success stories of work and life transformations during the pandemic. April started her law firm 20 years ago and celebrates her exponential growth today with 5 additional attorneys and several members on her support staff. In her interview with the Denver Business Journal, April …

Does Cheating Affect Alimony in Colorado?

People going through a divorce often have preconceived notions of alimony or spousal maintenance, including how it is affected when a divorce is caused by an adulterous spouse. Unfortunately, those preconceived notions of who pays and how much or for how long can be misguided.  Colorado takes alimony very seriously. Lawmakers recognize that when couples marry, their finances become closely intertwined, and then it’s nearly impossible to distinguish the spouse’s contributions to the marital estate. …

Can I Stop Paying Child Support if My Ex Won’t Let Me See My Kids?

When a parent keeps their children from the other during court-ordered parenting time, it is common to have questions regarding child support, such as can you stop paying child support if your ex won’t let you see your children? Don’t Stop Paying Child Support! While stopping child support is a natural response to losing parenting time, it is not legal to do so. Parenting time and child support are separate issues that are handled independently …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).