
Facebook, Twitter, and Your Divorce

As much as we all love our Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts, we sometimes forget that over-sharing on these public forums can have significant and negative consequences, not only professionally and personally, but there are legal consequences as well. We have all seen the posts of a friend venting about her relationship woes or how they drank way too much the night before. Judges and Magistrate’s here in Colorado generally disdain parents or …

Calculating Support When One Parent Has No Income

First know that both parents are legally responsible for supporting the kiddos—not just the parent who pays support. With a few exceptions, if one parent does not have income, the Court will impute full time income to that parent before calculating maintenance or support. In other words, we will assign income to that parent before calculating support and assume they earn at a full time rate based on theirpotential for earning income. How much will the Court impute? Your …

A Plan To Help Our U.S. Military Fight For Child Custody

Brave men and women have devoted their life to serving our country in the U.S. military. They are deployed to stations all over the world for months at a time, leaving behind those they love most. The pain is bad enough for military families that are intact. Single parents that serve our country have yet another obstacle. Serving in our military has caused some to lose legal rights to their children. Family law varies from …

Child Support Basics For The Single Parent

A child needs more than just financial support from both of his parents. He needs to feel loved, nurtured, and secure. He needs quality time and encouragement. But let’s face it. He also needs things. And things cost money. And whether the parents live under one roof or in different cities, both parents have a monetary responsibility to that child. A child support order requires one parent to make certain fixed payments to the other parent. Not …

Give Yourself A Gift: Avoid A Holiday Custody Battle

Nothing brings out a sense of family like the holidays. People travel to be together and enjoy lots of delicious food. Good times. It can also be a time of great frustration if custody arrangements are not agreed to or adhered to by both parents. Now is the time to confirm and finalize all details – before the hustle and bustle gets in full swing. And remember that consideration and compromise are the name of the game. …

Judge Rules Halle Berry’s Daughter To Stay In USA

On Friday, November 9, a judge ruled against Halle Berry moving four-year-old Nahla to France with fiancé Olivier Martinez. This was a great victory for ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry, and the latest twist in the ongoing saga. Halle first sought the counsel of a divorce attorney and started making custody arrangements when Nahla was two. And though things looked like they were turning in Halle’s favor, her plans to jet off with Nahla have been grounded. Halle’s earlier victories include …

Planning For Your Financial Future Long After The Divorce Is Final

With the current state of the economy, the old adage “It’s cheaper to keep’er” has never been more true. But sometimes a divorce is unavoidable. If this is the case, the couple must start considering their individual financial futures sooner rather than later. This can prove to be challenging on multiple levels. The first challenge is one that affects the nation as a whole – the housing market. For many couples, their real estate is their greatest asset. And …

Will You Get Divorced Because Your Parents Did?

It is fairly well-known that half of marriages end in divorce. Of course this doesn’t mean that every marriage will end in divorce, but you probably know someone whose has. Maybe it was someone in your family. It could have been your parents. If it was, what does that mean for you? Is it even a factor? According to The National Opinion Research Council at the University of Chicago, the children of divorced parents are 50% …

More Than $100 Billion Owed In Unpaid Child Support

The cost of raising kids is ever-growing – beyond the basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter. What about doctor visits and field trips and eyeglasses and band instruments and…? The list goes on. It’s a lot for two people. And for single parents who don’t receive their child support payments, its far worse. The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement calculated $108 billion in back child support was owed to custodial parents in 2009. This is …

Gray Divorce: The Growing Trend

No one was really shocked when Kim Kardashian filed for divorce. It was far more surprising to find out that Rhea Pearlman and Danny DeVito called it quits after 30 years of marriage or that Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon ended their 23 year relationship. And sadly they are not alone. The “Gray Divorce” is on the rise. According to a study by Bowling Green State University, the rate of divorce among those 50 or over …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).