
Ariel Winter’s Mom Will Fight For Her Daughter

Over a month has passed since “Modern Family” star, Ariel Winter, was removed from her mother’s custody due to claims of physical and mental abuse. Ariel’s mother, Chrisoula Workman, vehemently denies the charges and has made some accusations of her own. Allegedly this real-life drama started when Chrisoula walked in to see fourteen-yea-old Ariel and her eighteen-year-old boyfriend in the guest bedroom. Fanning the flame of this family feud was Ariel’s older sister and temporary guardian, Shanelle …

Your Divorce Attorney: Your Greatest Defense Against Common Mistakes

By the time a couple arrives at the point where the next logical step is divorce, it is understandable that at least one of you would like to get through the process as quickly as possible. But unlike ripping off a Band-Aid, speed is not typically the best course of action here. Your next step is to contact your attorney. A good attorney understands the emotional effects of divorce, but also understands that there are …

Schwarzenegger ‘Recalls’ His Affair As A Big Mistake

Mistakes happen. True, nobody is perfect. But some mistakes can have a lasting effect on a marriage. A momentary lapse in judgment could even lead to separation, which could in turn lead to divorce. This all-too common story was told once again as we learned of the affair between actor and former California “Governator” Arnold Schwarzenegger and their family’s housekeeper. And when she learned of the infidelity, wife Maria Shriver did indeed file for divorce. In …

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Struggle In Pursuit Of A Settlement

Some divorce proceedings are over quickly. Others can take a while to settle. No real surprise there. But then there are those that take long and drawn out to another level. Such is the case with celebrities Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Ashton and Demi, married in 2005, have been trying to achieve a settlement for a year now. And for all efforts to keep the negotiations out of the public eye, the rumors continue to circulate …

Wisdom From The Bleachers* Blog Series 1 of 8

I am sitting in the bleachers of a high school football game. It’s a gorgeous Colorado Saturday and I am surrounded by parents cheering sons onward. As a family law attorney I cant help but notice the obvious (to me anyway) custody and shared parenting vignettes playing out around me. I admire some and cringe at some. I am struck by the differences and I want to share them with you over the next few weeks and …

Kids Grow Older, Schedules and Lives Evolve

After the court has made final orders as to parenting time, the facts and circumstances of the lives of the parties and children continue to change. Oftentimes parties outgrow a custody order because of many factors that could not have been contemplated 2 or 5 or 10 years earlier. Children develop hobbies, special interests, and special needs that require changes in schools, doctors, neighborhoods, etc. and parents are required to be flexible in dealing with their children’s needs …

Can Spousal Support Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?

People often ask whether or not spousal maintenance (also known as alimony or spousal support) can be discharged in a bankruptcy. The usual answer is NO. However the bankruptcy code offers limited exceptions to the discharge-ability of spousal maintenance. In situations when the court orders that a debt payment by one spouse is to be “treated like alimony” it can be discharged. For example, if Bob is ordered to pay the Visa debt of $100.000 per month and this …

Child Custody Battle

Are you so busy parenting that your spouse is getting the “leftovers” in your relationship? Think about what you do with your time and where you put your emphasis most of the time. Work, Kids, Dinner, Homework, Activities… what do you and your spouse do for yourselves? You need to take the time to support the foundation of your family which, for your kids, is the relationship between you and your spouse. This means openly …

If You Want to Avoid Divorce…

No one gets married in hopes of getting divorced. Divorce can be one of the most gut-wrenching times in a person’s life. And it doesn’t matter whether or not you have kids to divide. The ending of hopes and dreams and the guilt and sense of failure that often accompanies divorce is painful for everybody. Divorce strains relationships with friends and loved ones. Dear friends are sometimes at a loss for words and feel uncomfortable. …

Newly Single Parents and the Dating Challenge

Are you single, dating, and trying to figure out how to manage dating and raising your kids in a healthy and sound environment in which they can thrive? The number of single parents increases by over 2 million each year. The majority of these newly single parents have been previously married for up to 10 years. When they began to even consider dating again, they can end up with more questions than answers initially. They …


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Our team includes attorneys licensed to practice in multiple states including April D. Jones in California, Patrick G. Barkman in Texas, the Cherokee Nation, the Northern District of Texas, and the District of Colorado (United States Court of Appeals 10th and 5th Circuit).